
Tuesday, 4 December 2018

End of year review

End of year review

Today I made a kizoa for my end of year review. The easy part was finding photos of myself. The hard part was Trying to download it. I learnt how to scan for photos that I would like to use. My next step is to add some transitions and effects to it, to make it look more interesting. 

Monday, 3 December 2018

When I grow up I want to b a photographer. Done

Thursday, 29 November 2018

How to make Christmas tree decoration

Title: How to make a Christmas tree decoration

  • 1 Ice-block stick
  • 3 Cupcake cups
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
1.  Fold cupcake cups in half
2. Cut cupcake cups in half
3. Glue cupcake cup halves on each other starting from the bottom onto the Ice-block stick

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Athletics 2018

Yesterday my school had athletics. I learnt how Scissors and kick my legs really high. The part I liked was the sacks race because I got bold over and I bold over some people too. The easy part was high jump cause the competition isn't here anymore. The hard part was discus cause I almost hit a teacher because I threw it to late. My next step is to try more in everything. 

Monday, 26 November 2018

Waka Reflection

This Morning we filled up Honekais waka with water and we had to see if it would float or sink. Most of the class said it would sink, 3 people in the class said it would float. So we walked down to our school pool and tested it. It sunk because there was water in it and the weight pulled it down so it made it heavy.

Summer Learning Journey

Paying it forward

If I were to travel back in time to the mid 1930s I would bring some lollies some Chicken nuggets, Chocolate, Marae and somes pillows and blankets. I would take Chicken nuggets, lollies and chocolate because I like to eat them. I would take a Marae, pillows and blankets so the Maoris have a whare to stay in and keep warm.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Kapa Haka

Saturday 17 November my school Kapa Haka roopu performed in Te Renga Paraoa/ whangarei at the Maranga mai e te Iwi 2018. We placed 3rd in our Waiata-tira/ Coral, Whakaeke, Poi and Whakawatea. We placed 2nd in Waiata-a-ringa and first equal with 4 other roopu in Kaitataki Wahine, the roopu did a Haka tautoko for her. Overall we placed 3rd and made it through to nationals. I think we did well and placed well too.
If you want to watch us just click here ( Te rau pou manawa o Kawakawa )

Monday, 15 October 2018

My boring holiday but cool holiday

My boring holiday
The Beach
1. Waiting
2. Swimming, playing games
3. Munch

On friday 5th of october we arrived at the beach at like 11.30-ish and waited because the other van
the drove us there had to pick up some other kids and some food to cook on the barbeque by the
park at the beach. We were all hot and wanted to just dive in the water because it was so HOT!
We waited like 45 to 60 minutes for the van to come back. Once they arrived we were all ready to
jump in. But first people the aren’t confident swimmers needed to chuck on a life jacket.

Once the people that couldn't swim chucked on their life jacket everyone dove in the water and
started yelling is cold but still wanted a swim. By the time we jumped in it was about 1.45 pm so they
cooks started frying up our food. While they were doing that some of us older kids played touch and
kicks with the rugby ball. We were getting bowled over by some of the waves. All the kids were
standing there waiting for big waves to come so we could catch it. I didn’t catch one and I ending up
scraping my back on the sand and some sticks.

After all that fun we were called up to the grass because it was lunch time. For lunch we had
Sausage sizzles with oranges and biscuits and water of course. We were hungry as, some kids
waisted theirs cause they just wanted to swim. But we had a mean munch and jumped back in the
water for like an hour then had to get out cause it was nearly 3 o’clock. Some got changed played
on the park and Josh, Tai, Vanya, Rukai, brian and I played touch until we had to go back to kohatu.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018


Today we did Maths and we learn't decimals. Here was the question I got all the answers right because I'm smart. The easy part was solving it. The hard part was getting the equation correct. It was fun.
1. 52 x 3 = 4.56
25.75 x 5= 128.75

Monday, 10 September 2018

Cross Country/ Fun run

On Friday the 7th of September at the United clubs room, our school had cross country or but now it's called fun run. I had helped 1 of the teachers take photo's, videos, and interviews. 5-6 people actually tried but the rest of us didn't, even some year 7 ran with us. Once we pasted the bridge we started throwing mud at each other, as we were doing that the "tryhards" pasted us. That means the were way ahead of us but we didn't care. We see a huge brown watery mud puddle and drove in and splashed with joy, disgust and laughter. We waited for the year 8 boys to run and we spot them at the gates. We built with inpatients waiting for them to arrive at the bridge. They dumped mud on 1 of the teachers and she started recording. We had a huge mud fight, some tackling us in the mud or throwing it at us. after a while we jumping in the river under the bridge and had a swim, it was freezing but fun. I watched the mud flow down the river and see the water turn brown. We ran back and caught a ride on the back of a teachers truck and finished our fun run. The best Cross Country I ever had.
Here are so photos these are the nice photos, before our run.

Monday, 20 August 2018

Roman numerals

This is what we did for Maths. Roman numerals. The easy part was everything, the hard part was not able to answer the questions because I already know what Roman numerals are. 

Can anyone guess what this means?  XXII-VI- MMXI


Wednesday, 4 July 2018


On Monday and Tuesday we had Matariki. The activity that I did was Ki-o-rahi and Tapu-eye. We learnt a lot and played a lot. In the end I ended up making kites with Whaea Ti and Bobbies Mum. Here are some photo's.


Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Highest and lowest

I am learning to put operations signs, + or - or x or ÷ between the numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, to make the highest possible number and lowest possible number. The hard part is finding the right answer because everyone is confusing me with their answer. The easy part was finding the right answer for myself and writing lots of equations. I can use BEDMAS as a skill or tool to help me.

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Writing reflection

I am learning to use appropriate language in an explained piece of writing. I can do everything on the rubric but sentence structure. I need to Start my writing sentences with who, what, when, and other W’s. My next step is to write sentence starters and sentence structures.

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Panui- Thinking critically

For Panui I have been learning to think critically. I can Read my books actively that my teacher gives me and I can ask the right quetions. I need to read more often so I can read hard words. My next step is Reconging and understanding the language features and structures used.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018


For Math I am Learning to Problem solve. I can think systematically as well as working collaboratively with my group members and we use talk moves. I need to work on being more helpful to my group. My next step is to write Math expressions.  

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Make 37

For Maths this week we have been making 37 with the numbers 1, 3, 5 and 7, 10 times. I tried 36 times to make 37, I have to say IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. Here is the problem. It's pretty hard, try it yourself. The easy part was finding ways to make 37. The hard part was finding the right way to make 37. 
Four bags contain a large number of 1's, 3's, 5's and 7's. Pick any ten numbers from the bag so that their total is 37.  

What now for the rena?

This week for reading/panui we have been thinking critically. We read the book what now for the rena? The easy part was reading the book, the hard part was wanting to read the book and staying on task. The skills that help me learn are sounding out and skim reading. Critical thinking is asking the right question when reading a book. My next book is Testing the waters. 


Bulling is not cool. 

Friday, 6 April 2018

Daily maths do's

For maths this week I have been doing Daily maths. The easy part was doing my number of the day and e-ako. The hard part way prototect because I moved up to stage 8. The hardest was Place value.
My Math goals are learning my HCF and LCM. Highest common factors and Lowest common multiple.


For writting this week and last week my class mates and I have been learning to write metaphors for our Ko ahau buddie class somewhere in NZ. Here is a metaphor I wrote for them in English and Maori. English- Nga Rau Rangatira is a Nutella sandwich nice and brown. Maori- He hanawiti Nutella a Nga Rau Rangatira, pera te pai me te parouri.

Ko to tatou awa

This is Mahuta, Ngapua and my, Ko to tatou awa. It was really fun making this with my buddies Mahuta and Ngapua. The easy part was Creating our Map keys. The hard part was making our map, what was hard about it was making the roads, making sure the road was the correct road in real life. The fun part was making it.

Making Connections

This week for Panui/Reading my Roopu and I have been learning how to make connections text to text. The easy part was creating a Venn diagram with my partner Tamarah. The hard part was finding what was different was between the Underground explorers and the Marcus Thomas books. I know I can make connections when,
  • 2 stories are alike
  • when characters are the same in both texts
  • when the settings are the same in both stories

Wednesday, 21 March 2018


I am a Middle learner at blogging. This afternoon I was learning about blogging. The easy part about blogging is commenting helpful, thoughtful and positive comments on peoples blog. The hard part is nothing really. My next step is working on putting the was easy and hard in my blog post. 

Thursday, 15 March 2018


This week for Maths/Pangarau my class mates and I have been learning about integers. We learn hills and dales or holes. Integers are negative numbers. We learn't that you fill the dales or holes with the hills. If you know how to do integers here are some questions. Have a go.


Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Big 5

In reading we as in we my reading group have been learning to Summaries. The big 5 is a learning tool that will help in in my reading journey. The big 5 is, Someone, Wanted, Because, But, Then. Here is a piece of writing we did when we were summarizing.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Lake Brunner School

Hey Students from Lake Brunner School. I had no clue where in the world you're from so I decided to search your School up on Google Maps. When I searched your School up I found out you guys were darted in New Zealand(The south island). These are different ways to get to you from Kerikeri airport or our School. 




And on a plane

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Reading goals

My reading goals!
Here are a couple of my reading goals. Use a range of comprehension strategies. Such as making connections, prior knowledge, gather, summarie, resolve issues, evaluate and infer. Use appropriate skills, technology and resources to find relevant information. 

Friday, 16 February 2018

Im back at school

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm back at school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love swimming, out doors, playing sports, eating, sleeping and spending time with friends and family! My favourite person in the world is....................................ME!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Activity 2: Acknowledging Ancestry

Ko Motatau me Onepoto oku maunga   
Ko Taikirau me Waikato oku awa         
Ko Ngatokimatawharua te waka
Ko Mataroria tōku tīpuna
Ko Ngati Hine me Waikato oku iwi          
Ko Ngati Tetarawa tōku hapu
Ko Motata me Te Awa marihi tōku marae
Ko Awatea ahau
Ko Eruera Haunui rāua ko Arona Tipene ōku mātua  
Ko Awatea Waimarie Haunui-Tipene tōku ingoa.