
Friday, 12 May 2017

Inquiry fact & laguange features

This week for Writing we have been doing report about eels, here is my General statement and One of my subheadings which is Reproduction/Breed 

Inquiry fact
General Statment
The N.Z longfin is an cold blooded eel that lives in water either the pacific or sea. Did you know that eels have poor eyesight and often bit divers fingers that give them food. Its scientific name is Anguilla dieffenbachii. 

Language features
When they are ready to breed the leave N.Z and swim 5000km up into the tropical pacific to spawn. When they reach their destination the females lay millions of eggs fertilized by the male. Did you know that long longfin eels breed only once at the end of their life?
Image result for eels life cycle


  1. Hi Awatea my name is Tahurangi I'm a year 7 in room 3. I really like your General statement and reproduction. What's a language feature?

  2. Hi Awatea, my name is Waiorere. I'm a year 5 in room 9&8.I really like your General statement and reproduction. What's a language feature?
