I am a student at Bay of Islands College in Kawakawa, New Zealand. This is a place where I share my learning.
Thursday, 7 December 2017
Today Mrs Cowles's Sister in-law and another lady who is a Midwife, come to visit us and told us about her and what she does. I can't remember their names but I know that is Mrs Cowels's sister in-law and a midwife. They were every interesting. Yesterday a Man named Rob who does diving come to share what he does with us. He bough his gear that he wears when he is diving. Another lady named Casey come to visit us yesterday she's a nurse. They were all interesting.
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Today Rob Norman, Season-Mary Down and her bestfriend came to visit the year 7'n'8's. Something to help you with your law degree is to finish exams and finish school. Something I hated about the lesson is how long a had to sit, my back was killing me. Next time I should ask the questions I had wrote for her on my Career Mahi. Season was the one who had inspired me and making me wanna be a lawyer. Season is a Lawyer Rob is a Banker and Seasons bestfriend is a Lawyer too.
Here is a photo of Season if you don't know who she.
Here is a photo of Season if you don't know who she.
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Career visitors
Today the Career visitors came to our school for the year 7'n'8's. It was very interesting but I still don't change my mind about my dream, I think that I'll stick to being a Family court Lawyer. I got to learn about new jobs that I didn't even know about. I have a feeling that one day someone in our school will work for Bio Security. My favourite part about the lesson was getting free stuff and learning what more there is to the world. Here is some of the free stuff we go.

Friday, 1 December 2017
Te Wa. Today for Pangarau some of my class mates and I have been learning to tell 24 hour time. The easy part was solving the majority of the questions. The hard part was knowing the once the time has past 24 hours the clock restarts.
I know I can tell digital time when- AM always starts with a 0
- PM always starts with a 1 or 2
- Once the time has past 24 hours it restarts
I have a question. Can anyone tell me the time in 24 hour time am or pm doesn't matter?
Thursday, 23 November 2017
For Maths this week we did conversions here is a photo of my work and I'm telling you I nailed it, it was easy. Nothing hard just easy.
Monday, 20 November 2017
Use decoding Strategies
This is what I'm learning to do for Reading: Use decoding Strategies when Stuck.
I know I'm successful at Using Decoding Strategies when I can
I know I'm successful at Using Decoding Strategies when I can
- Ask questions
- Reread
- Read ahead
- Find out what unknown word means
- Stop and think
- Create a picture in you mind
- Make predictions
- Make connections
- Ask for help
Friday, 17 November 2017
For my Review on Schoolwiana we had to find 3 school icons. They were Respect,Responsible,Resilient. The easy part was easily find the icons. The hard part was writing a poem for each of the icons.
This week For Maths we did problem solving and communicating with our buddies or group. The easy part solving the equation. The hard part was drawing pictures to understand the equation. The fun part was talking with Bobbie-Jo and asking questions to understand.
I know when I'm successful at problem solving when I can
- Read the problem twice
- underline the question
- circle any key words
- Draw a picture to help you
- Write the equation
- Solve the equation
- Check your work
Thursday, 16 November 2017
Kiaora this week for writting we did linking words and poems. The easy part was finding pictures of Kim Kardashian West and other Dramatic people or shows. The hard part was searching the magazines for letters to spell my words. The fun part was doing it with Tamarah. Here's her blog Tamarah's Blog.
Here's a photo.
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
This week in reading I learnt to summaries . The hard part was Nothing. The easy part was Everything. The fun part was summarizing. My next step is using decoding Strategies automatically.
Book: The last Tuatara by Des Hunt
I know when I can summaries when
Book: The last Tuatara by Des Hunt
I know when I can summaries when
- shorter then the text
- Use your own words
- Main ideas only.
Friday, 27 October 2017
This week we got asked a question for Maths. The question was Noah saw 112 legs walk by the ark. How many creatures could he have found? How many different answers can you find?
If you have good eyes you can just see my answers in the photo if not my answer was. 6 chicken, 7 pig, 4 giraffes, 100 snails, 5 goats, 2 rabbits and 4 dogs and all of the animals calculated together makes 112. Sorry for the ugly animals.
For the past 1 to 2 weeks my class mates and I learnt how to use the problem solving checklist. The easy part was using the Problem solving checklist. The hard part was nothing. The fun part was working together, sharing my answers and showing how I work it out with my class mates.
Here is a photo of my work I did.
This week for writing I wrote a OREO piece of writing. The easy part was finding reasons for why I think Sports is better then Kapa Haka. The hard part was finding sentence starters to start off my writing. The fun part was listening to other peoples reason for why they think sports is better. Do you think Sports is better then Kapa Haka. Comment down below what you think.
This week we my class and I have been doing Kiwiana well the whole school. I did 2 activity's with my friend Tamarah. The easy part was Finishing my work in the time we were set. The hard part was finding none kiwiana things. The fun part was doing my work with Tamarah. What is Kiwiana? Kiwiana are items or things produced in NZ.
So I just finished doing my plenary and thought I should post it on my blog. I did my Maths which was problem solving. For reading/Panui I learnt what homophones are and how to use it. For Writing/Tuhituhi I did an OREO piece of writing. The topic on Writing was. Is sports better then Kapa haka. THANKS FOR VISITING MY BLOG.
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Today in (Panui/Reading) I learnt how to use dialog and speech marks. Specifically when to use a speech mark and where to but any other punctuation in your story. Today I learnt that everytime someone else speech's in the story you have to Make another line or a new sentence but this on the same confiscation. I learnt that you can stick these punctuation in it to (?!,.).
Friday, 22 September 2017
Movie making
This week I have been making a Maori culture video with Mahuta, Quin and Tahurangi. We made a greeting video, a warm up video, a haka and a farewell. My favorite part was working together. The hard part was putting everything together. The easy part was finishing the movie making the video's.
Monday, 7 August 2017
River runners
This week I have been reading a book named River runners. I think it's a good book especially reading it before camp. This is my Book Review on it.
Wednesday, 2 August 2017
Friday, 7 July 2017
2017 T2
Things I accomplished this term?
This term I have accoplished being a leader of my school and being a kaiarahi. leading by exsample.
Things I need to improve in for next term or work on?
I need to improve in eating around my Chromebook and at the appropriate time. That's pretty much it.
1 thing I enjoyed this term?
Hangout with my friends during play time and learning heaps of thing during class.
This term I have accoplished being a leader of my school and being a kaiarahi. leading by exsample.
Things I need to improve in for next term or work on?
I need to improve in eating around my Chromebook and at the appropriate time. That's pretty much it.
1 thing I enjoyed this term?
Hangout with my friends during play time and learning heaps of thing during class.
Thursday, 6 July 2017
What were you making this term? Write an explanation of what you had to do.
A bag. I had to create a bag as well as a pocket to sew onto it.
What skills did you learn this term?
A skill I learnt was how to use the sewing machine. And how to do a running stitch.
What would you do differently next time?
Do half a heart and Haelyn does the other half or picked a different colour bag. I just thought of that at the last minute.
What did you find hard or challenging? Why?
Pulling my string through the top of the bag. Why? Because there was fabric blocking the hole at the halfway point.
What did you enjoy? Why?
I enjoyed doing HA and AH on my pocket with Haelyn. Its will be something we will remember in the future.
Insert Picture of your finished bag
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Food for thought
Food for thought
Today we went down to the 4 Square in Kawakawa to learn how much Energe, fat, sugar, Dietary Fibre, sodium and calcium were in what we eat. Now I know what healthy food to eat.
Here are some photo's
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
Heathy Eating
Heathy Eating
Food for thought
Today Whaea Abi had come to talk to us about Heathy Eating. Today I learnt Kaimoana(Sea food) has Iron in it and Fibre keeps you full for longer. The bottom of the the pyramids are the you eat most, the middle is eat some and the top is what you eat less. Comment if this helped you.
Friday, 26 May 2017
Language Features
Language Features
What you need in a Procedure Writing
What you need in a Procedure Writing
- Powerful Verbs
- Time linking words
- Add bullet points
- Subheading e.g Method or Steps, Ingredients
- Finishing Words
Monday, 22 May 2017
Prime Number
We have been doing prime number. These are the composite and prime numbers between 50-60. If any are wrong tell me down below in the comment session.
Friday, 19 May 2017
This is a hinaki
And this is my google slide of how to use a Hinaki
This is what I learnt about Hinaki in my slide.
This is a hinaki
This is what I learnt about Hinaki in my slide.
This week my class and I have been doing 'Sorry' to the world activities. One of the activities were to make a poem saying sorry to the earth for all our rubbish. Here is my poem.
Lives are crying because it's not clean
Earth is dying because it's not green
Grow more trees, make Mother Earth grin
Pick up your rubbish and put it in the bin
Prime Number
Prime number
LI: Use prime number
S.C If I'm successful at prime number the I will know
There will be no remainder
They are divisible by it's self
2 Factors
2 and 4 are the only even prime numbers
To prove that I know Prime number I will show you a photo
The Yellow ones are a prime number

LI: Use prime number
S.C If I'm successful at prime number the I will know
There will be no remainder
They are divisible by it's self
2 Factors
2 and 4 are the only even prime numbers
To prove that I know Prime number I will show you a photo
The Yellow ones are a prime number

Thursday, 18 May 2017
Language feature
For the past couple of weeks I have been writing a report about eels with my partner Tamarah. The hard part was summerising (which is putting a sentence in my own words). The easy part was writing a general statement to put into my report. I need to Use capitals correctly (e.g Pacific ocean) and to elaborate (add detail for the reader). Here is my finished report hope you like it.
The N.Z Longfin is an cold blooded eel that lives in water either the tropical Pacific ocean Estuary and sea. Did you know that eels have poor eyesight and often bit divers fingers that give them food. Its scientific name is Anguilla dieffenbachii.
When they are ready to breed they leave N.Z and swim 5000km up into the tropical Pacific ocean to spawn. When they reach their destination the females lay millions of eggs fertilized by the male. Did you know that longfin eels breed only once at the end of their life?
They may look like snakes, but they are actually fish. Before the leptocephalus/Larva enter the water they change into a more familiar eel shape. They change shape again when they get ready to migrate to their breeding grounds.
There are 2 types of Tuna found in N.Z. The Aroheke (longfin) and the Matamoe (shortfin).The Aroheke or tuna Kuwharuwharu are only found in N.Z & Have been here for 80 million years. Eels hide in burrows, tubes, snags, masses plants, other types of shelters.
The New Zealand longfin eel is the largest and the only endemic freshwater eel species in New Zealand. Longfin eels are long-lived, migrating to the Pacific Ocean near Tonga to breed at the end of their lives. And Today the longfin eels still live.
Friday, 12 May 2017
Inquiry fact & laguange features
This week for Writing we have been doing report about eels, here is my General statement and One of my subheadings which is Reproduction/Breed
Inquiry fact
General Statment
The N.Z longfin is an cold blooded eel that lives in water either the pacific or sea. Did you know that eels have poor eyesight and often bit divers fingers that give them food. Its scientific name is Anguilla dieffenbachii.
Language features
When they are ready to breed the leave N.Z and swim 5000km up into the tropical pacific to spawn. When they reach their destination the females lay millions of eggs fertilized by the male. Did you know that long longfin eels breed only once at the end of their life?
Inquiry fact
General Statment
The N.Z longfin is an cold blooded eel that lives in water either the pacific or sea. Did you know that eels have poor eyesight and often bit divers fingers that give them food. Its scientific name is Anguilla dieffenbachii.
Language features
When they are ready to breed the leave N.Z and swim 5000km up into the tropical pacific to spawn. When they reach their destination the females lay millions of eggs fertilized by the male. Did you know that long longfin eels breed only once at the end of their life?
Tuesday, 9 May 2017
This is my screencastify I made with an old friend named Arwyn. Its called Jack and the beanstalk. The hard part was adding sound which I haven't got but I'm working on that.Hope you enjoy the video.
Wednesday, 3 May 2017
For the past 3 days of school I have been working on a topic it's about eels. The hard part was finding facts and putting them in my own words. The easy part was writing a message to the man who smuggled glass eels on a plane. Next time I will do a challenging Task instead of the easy ones. Here is a fact about eels. Eels have poor eyesight and usually bite drivers fingers when they feed them.
Here is what I did.
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
Today I been learning about emotive language in real state news paper. The hard part was learning about emotive language and know what it means. The easy part was picking a house and highlighting emotive words. I know when to use emotive language plus it means to draw peoples attention and making people wanting them to buy what every is for sale or something. I need to Ask more questions. Hear is my slide.
Thursday, 30 March 2017
Team work
Today we were with Matua Bodene and we learnt how to co-operate and work together. As well as communicating. The hard part was getting over to the other side of the court on someone's BACK (I was in the blue team we won). Next time I will Make a easier solution.
Here are some photo’s.
Here are some photo’s.
Team work
Tuesday, 21 March 2017
Nga mihi
So last week I went to Ruapekapeka with my class and we had some parents helping with the kai and taking us to Ruapekapeka. I had wrote this for Matua Albert who helped us the most he told us the stories about Ruapekapeka and the meaning behind it.
Here is a screeshot.
Monday, 20 March 2017
Last week I was learning how to infer. We had to write I know when to infer. Here is a couple of
photo's or just go to the padlet.
This is my one
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
Thursday, 9 March 2017
This is my grateful poem I did last week. I wrote what I am really grateful for. I will write them here or you can read it down there. I am grateful for everything I get from people especially my Mum. I am grateful for all my friends that make me laugh and crazy sometimes. I am grateful for all the hard work Miss does for me and everyone else.
by Melanie Drewery
Today I am learning to Infer. I know Inferring is reading between the line and Knowing what the writer is trying to say but not really say it. Here is a part in the text when I had used infer. The flax sang and whispered as she folded and pulled, fold and pull. "Your a natural," said Mum, Miria smiled and began to weave another fish. She didn't stop until it was perfect. I think she was really happy because of Mum's complement.
Friday, 24 February 2017
Tuakana Teina
This week I have been doing a Tuakana (older sibling) and Teina ( younger sibling) Drawing. I have been learning a song called ( Anei ano to pai) With the whanau reorua and all our younger kids.The hard part was knowing what to do and make it different to others. The good part was that I finished in time I was given. I can Create and share my work with others and not being shy. I need to make my work look better and use my time wisely so I can win other comps.
Here is my one.
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